Laura Driessen

The Sydney Radio Star Catalogue: a new catalogue of radio stars

I will present a new catalogue of 839 radio stars detected <3 GHz: the Sydney Radio Star Catalogue (SRSC). Most of these stars were identified using the Australian SKA Pathfinder (ASKAP) telescope. The ASKAP stars in the SRSC were found using a range of techniques: circular polarisation searches, proper-motion searches, variability searches and multiwavelength cross-matching. We have also included published radio stars from e.g. MeerKAT and V-LoTSS in the SRSC. The catalogue contains stars from across the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, from ultra-cool dwarfs to blue supergiants to Wolf Rayets. The previous best-known radio star catalogue, the Wendker catalogue, contained 228 radio stars detected <3 GHz. Hence the SRSC is a big leap forward in our understanding of the population and characteristics of radio stars. I will present an overview of the SRSC catalogue, including the search methods, the properties and types of stars, the X-ray-radio characteristics using eROSITA_DE observations, and the circular polarisation properties. I will also highlight some individual objects of particular interest.