Harmeen Kaur

The Birth of Sh 2-208: How Feedback from the Open Star Cluster Waterloo 01 Shapes the Formation of a Young H II Region.

Young open clusters (age ≤10 Myr) are idiosyncratic to study star formation in our galaxy. It is important to study the properties of young open clusters in order to understand how star formation takes place in both local and Galactic plane scale. Moreover, young clusters offer the smallest physical scale over which meaningful determination of the stellar IMF can be made. Apart from this, one of the important question in the field of star formation is the role of stellar feedback on the subsequent star formation process. The evolution of HII regions can trigger a new generation of stars at their peripheries, with environmental conditions that may affect the IMF, disk evolution and star formation efficiency. In this work, using multi-wavelength data sets we study the stellar content and feedback-driven formation of Young H II Region Sh 2-208. We also studied the role of Open Star Cluster Waterloo 01 in Shaping Sh 2-208.